A5 handmade Mr and Mrs chalkboard style guestbook alternative, small blackboard style just married scrapbook photo album

This is part of our seconds sale to clear stock and the item may have imperfections. It is handmade and is a one off as we no longer sell this item and I can see there is a small amount of 'chalk' and some glue spotting on the inner pages but it is still a beautiful book. No return on this item under any circumstances.

This is an A5 black 'chalkboard style' scrapbook measuring approximately 5 x 8 inches with black binding wires and 11 lightly textured sheets of black card for pages (22 sides). The rigid front cover is decorated with the words 'Mr & Mrs' on the front in the chalkboard style and the back cover says 'happily ever after' and the book comes with a 'JUST MARRIED' tag.

Please note that the pages are blank card and do not have tissue between the leaves, you will need adhesive to stick your photos onto the pages and light coloured ink pens for any writing to show up if you write directly onto the pages. (not included)

Perfect for making an I expensive diy wedding scrapbook album or as a photo booth book or guest book alternative.

This book is classed as sale because it is a one of a kind which we may no longer sell - it is a handmade item and it may be seconds so blemishes may be present and therefore is not returnable for any reason - this is reflected in the bargain price! Any blemishes in our sale books do not impair the fun on the item, they are still great scrapbooks. Handmade items will never be perfect, they are made by a human, not a robot, that is part of their charm!

(SALE 31)